Been told you are hard on yourself?

Nurture Your True Self and Love Your Life!

Yourself Truly™ is a 10 Week Spa Treatment for Your Heart!

  • Scientifically Demonstrated Effective

    Study participants experienced statistically significant improvement in levels of self-judgement, self-compassion, shame and perfectionism.

  • Inspirational & Uplifting

    Hear powerful stories from women as they reveal personal moments from their own journeys into self-love and authenticity.

  • Imagine showing up for life in your full radiance and joy!

We respect your privacy. Your data will not be shared or sold.

I know you.  Both from being a woman and from hearing women’s stories every day for the past 12 years as a psychologist. I know you contain so much.

Whether you have this title either place, you are often the CEO at home and work.  You are caring for everyone and keeping track of the larger picture of what needs to be accomplished—holding everyone’s emotional and physical needs and giving tirelessly.  

Much of the anxiety and conflict we face comes from not knowing and expressing your true self. Love for yourself and permission to be you is the foundation for true happiness.

Dr. Charlotte

Clinical Psychologist & Creator of Yourself Truly™

Yourself Truly™ 2020